Emerald Street

Description Many cities and towns across the country are making FORTA-FI® a regular part of their street maintenance programs. The City of Blossoms elected to use FORTA-FI® in a 1”. thin-overlay project in the heart of downtown Willard. Busy and beautiful Emerald Street received a surface lift of reinforced asphalt over a standard job-mix leveling […]

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Claremont Avenue

Description FORTA-FI® fiber-reinforcement for asphalt was specified by the City of Ashland for a high traffic roadway overlay in the downtown business district. The wearing and intermediate courses were milled and then replaced with a new wearing course, three-dimensionally reinforced with FORTA-FI® high-tensile strength fibers. The asphalt was placed at night to decrease business interruptions, […]

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Catawba Shores Parking Lot

Description The Catawba Shores Condominium Association, whose property sits on the Lake Erie shoreline in Port Clinton, OH, chose FORTA-FI® to three-dimensionally reinforce their new parking lot. The homeowners in this beautiful development will enjoy the durability of the new parking lot overlay for years to come.  Key Points Extended Pavement Life Reduced Rutting & […]

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Van Wyck Expressway

Description A three lane test section was placed using a PG76-22 polymer modified oil. The left lane was the control with no fiber. The first half of the center lane (Hillside to Jamaica) also had no fiber, followed by an equal section with tiber (Jamaica to Atlantic). The right lane was all fiber from Hillside […]

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Ogden Avenue

Description Ogden Avenue in downtown Las Vegas receives a high volume of bus traffic. When it was time to repair the pavement in early 2013, FORTAfied® asphalt was used for the top 2.5” lift of a new 5” asphalt concrete section, constructed over 12” of new base. The fiber was added to the city’s standard […]

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City of Vinarice

Description FORTA-FI® was used in a 7 cm (2.75”) base and a 4 cm (1.5”) wearing course on a steep, high volume, heavy truck access road. On the edge of a new residential project right next to the asphalt plant – asphalt mix is placed on compacted subgrade. The street is rather steep, leading from the plant exit straight […]

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Description On request of RSD (Czech National Road Administration) a FORTA-FI® reinforced asphalt mix on a roundabout where two main roads (one from Prague and the other one connecting Kolin to Prague – Hradec motorway) meet and enter the town of Kolin. The fourth exit from the roundabout leads to a large shopping center and […]

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Vaciav Airport

Description The mix with fibers was used for a temporary repair of Apron / TWY where an increased traffic is expected during the repairs / reconstructions of the adjacent areas. The required service life of the newly placed surface is 8 years. After the placement several Test samples were drilled in various places. During drilling it was discovered that under […]

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Route 82

Description The Mississippi DOT was looking to repair an asphalt overlay on a concrete base. In their efforts to choose the best reinforcement possible, MDOT decided to do a trial project with FORTA-FI®. One half of the road was paved with polymer only and the other half with polymer and FORTA-FI®.  Update  A one year follow up was […]

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Hass Street

Description The City of Dearborn Heights, Ml opted to add the strength and durability of FORTA-FI® for the asphalt produced for the Hass Street repaving project. The old asphalt on this beautiful residential street was milled-off and it received two lifts of fiber-reinforced material. The three-dimensionally reinforced asphalt material will provide years of service to […]

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