Bogus Basin Road

Boise, ID - 2015


This busy two-lane road carries traffic from the Boise metropolitan area up steep inclines and switchbacks to the Bogus Basin recreation area high in the mountains. When it came time to rehabilitate the pavement in Summer 2015, ACHD chose a 2” mill and fill using PG64-28 ½” mix reinforced with FORTA-FI®. The inclusion of FORTA-FI® in the new asphalt will deliver improved resistance to reflective cracking and enhanced performance on a roadway known for its high levels of environmental and traffic-related distress. Both the paving crew and the ACHD inspector commented that the fiber-reinforced mix was easier to compact, especially on hairpin turns where achieving densities was usually a challenge. In addition, the crew noted that asphalt microcracking on turns and mat slippage on steep inclines were eliminated as a result of the FORTA-FI® reinforcement.

Key Points

  • Extended Pavement Life
  • Reduced Rutting & Raveling
  • Reduced Cracking

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Use our Savings Calculator to compare material costs between a traditional asphalt mixture and FORTAfied Asphalt.

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