Project Description
Union County, OH and Strawser Construction used Surface-EXT AR fiber in this micro surfacing project that extended from the intersection of SR 161 and Middleburg Plain City Road NW to the intersection of Middleburg Plain City Road and SR 38. The contractors used 4,200 lb of Surface-EXT and added the fiber at 0.2% of the dry aggregate weight. The FORTA Ranger fiber feeder was used to add the fiber to the micro surfacing mix on site. Roughly the first quarter-mile was paved over the existing roadway while the rest of the project, except for the town section, was a cape seal or micro surfacing over chip seal. Extension of road life is expected, and crack maps and video logs were created to monitor this project. This is the first soft binder application using Surface-EXT.
Key Points
- Extend Pavement Life
- Reduce Cracking
- Mix Fiber On Site