Project Description
The City of Ashtabula, Ohio specified FORTA-FI fiber to reinforce the asphalt resurfacing project on West 29th Street in the summer of 2012. This high-use roadway is located in a heavily-traveled industrial park area with daily truck and commuter traffic. The street also leads to an elementary school campus, with weekday bus traffic using this route throughout the day. City Manager Jim Timonere chose FORTA-FI HMA 3/4” fiber to reinforce the asphalt and to prevent premature cracking and rutting. Grand River Asphalt (Grand River, OH) produced the fiber-reinforced paving material for this important commercial roadway project, and it was placed by the experienced crew at Ronyak Brothers Paving (Burton, OH).
Key Points
- Cost Effective
- Reduced Rutting & Cracking
- Increase Durability