Maher Terminal – Port Elizabeth, NJ

Port Elizabeth, NJ - 2019

Project Description

The pavement of this terminal sees severe rutting caused by container moving equipment. These extremely heavy pieces of equipment are forced to run on an exact path and cause damage to the asphalt. To extend the pavement life cycle at this facility, a control vs. fiber project was completed.


After just 2 years, the rutting on the control side is evident. The FORTAfied® section is performing better then expected and has impressed project engineers.

Technical Specifications

  • Fiber Reinforcement: FORTA-FI®
  • Overlay Thickness: 3” Mill & Fill, 8” Complete Course
  • Additives: 0% RAP
  • Mix Design: PG 82-22
  • Existing Pavement Distresses: Daily Heavy Truck Traffic

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Use our Savings Calculator to compare material costs between a traditional asphalt mixture and FORTAfied Asphalt.

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