The article below scientifically explains why these new tests, (I-FIT and Ideal CT) are not sensitive enough to show the benefits of polymer modified asphalt. It holds true that if these tests cannot show the benefits of polymer modification, it means they cannot show the benefits of fiber modified asphalt either. This helps to explains why some of our testing is not showing the tremendous results we are used to seeing before these new tests were invented. It’s not that FORTA-FI does not work, it’s that the new testing is not working.
If you continue to read through until the end of the article, it goes into some techy stuff then ends with the need to do more research (aka. increased funding). So stay tuned! Hopefully, this test can be improved. FORTA is already doing our own research to improve this type of testing, and hopefully will solve this issue before the state DOT’s adopt the Balance Mix Design (BMD) procedures at which all states are currently taking a hard look at.